It pays to focus on trust.
It's the greatest driver of your performance.

Trust determines over 75% of your KPI performance and TrustLogic® is the proven method to analyse and build more trust with your customers, people and corporate stakeholders .
You knew. Didn't you?
Your intuition is right and the causality irrefutable.
"The more I trust, the more likely I am to recommend."
"The more I trust, the more loyal I am."
"The more I trust, the more likely I am to buy."
With every little bit more trust, your retention and aquisition opportunity doubles and, for example, Deloitte proved that more trusted organisations outperform their peers by up to 400%. Seth Godin found that the most trusted brands also tend to be the most profitable.
The bottomline.... knowing how you can build more trust is the key to further improving your KPIs and touchpoint performance.

We have analysed trust and KPI drivers for 20 years and helped clients in over 40 countries implement them successfully through their brands and teams.

Scientifically proven.
Proven in practice.
Developed with Professor Wilhelm Salber, the father of the most modern psychology, TrustLogic® is scientifically robust. And, more importantly, its success has been demonstrated with clients ranging from AXA to World Vision.
Robust, actionable guidance.

Make building your trust everyone's favourite job.
If you know how trust forms, you can build it. Watch the short video and imagine how much more trust your teams could build after just an hour.
What is trust? The scientifically correct explanation.
We can't just trust. Our trust is the sum of the specific reasons why we trust a person, brand, or organisation. Our mind organises these reasons into six distinct categories of trust and evaluates them.
How do I build more trust?
Consider these categories as ‘Six Buckets of Trust®’ that you need to fill. To build more trust, you must understand which of these Trust Buckets® are most important and how to fill them.
Easy. Practical.
1) Include the short TrustLogic® Module into any of your surveys (versions for customer, people, reputation and multiple language available).
2) Option 1: Log into our Driver Calculator, connect to your survey and see the results instantly.
Option 2: Export the trust data from your survey to CSV, then drag & drop it into our Driver Calculator to
- see your trust and KPI drivers
- know what to say and do to improve them.
3) Brief your teams
4) Track and improve your success.
Go to Try it to .... try it.
Straight from Insight to Action:
Volkswagen Prospect Trust, NPS and Consideration drivers

Analyse & Action
Unlimited annual license for all stakeholder modules.
Use it internally and/or with your agency partners.
Track your success, update proof points, track driver shifts.
Access our KPI-AI. Generate optimised solutions. Find new Trust Proof Points.
SMEs and NFP: US$ 5,000
Corp and Gov: US$ 10-30,000
Regional/Global: on request
(includes on-boarding for you and your partners and implementation support)
Free: Empower fluent trust-building
The inspiring online training is free for your teams, research and agency partners. This allows you to quickly empower your teams and partners to maximise their trust-building capability for continuous improvement. Just go to Academy to get started.
Proven effective.

TrustLogic® isn't just another abstract concept that's difficult to put into practice. It's a practical tool developed through successful real-world application.
The diagnostics have been refined based on these successes, therefore providing precise guidance.
By understanding what their audience finds most trustworthy, clients achieve tangible results, such as a 33% increase in sales within two weeks.
Coming soon
Survey platform plugins
We are working on plugins so you can integrate TrustLogic into your dashboards and connect it to your frontline through integrations like Salesforce.
Using our 20 years of experience in practical trust building, we are optimising our TrustAI to connect live to any touchpoint and segment.
Predictive Modelling
In our work with clients we always emphasised hard and soft factor measurability. We are using the data from the last 20 years to develop predictive models for you.