New: TrustAnalyser now includes the Trust Composite Score, a more accurate measurement of the trust levels.
Turn the science of trust into powerful trust-building practice.
Trust determines over 75% of your KPI performance and TrustLogic® is the proven method to analyse and build more trust with your customers, people and corporate stakeholders .
The Trust Factor
"The more I trust you, the more likely I am to recommend you."
"The more I trust you, the more loyal I am to you."
"The more I trust you, the more likely I am to buy from you."
It's logical. With every little bit more trust, your retention and aquisition opportunity doubles and, for example, Deloitte proved that more trusted organisations outperform their peers by up to 400%. Seth Godin found that the most trusted brands also tend to be the most profitable.
Trust is the reason why your audience engages, supports you, buys from you and stays loyal.
The challenge? Without tools to empower your teams to analyse and build trust, it's all just nice theory.

Over the last 20 years we have helped many leading organisations in over 40 countries build more trust with their stakeholders

Scientifically proven.
Our clients invest a lot of effort and money based on TrustLogic® findings. Naturally, they need to know it is sound in every respect.
Psychologically correct
Developed with Professor Wilhelm Salber, the father of modern psychology, TrustLogic® is scientifically robust. During its development, we conducted over a hundred psychological in-depth interviews, each lasting between 90 minutes and two hours.
Since then, we have expanded and validated our understanding of trust through projects involving thousands of interviews and focus groups, as well as tens of thousands of surveys in countries ranging from Australia to China and the US, covering categories from airlines to professional services to telecommunications, and organisational functions from brand to employee engagement to sales.
Statistically proven
In the statistical validation, we employed cutting-edge driver analysis to model the six dimensions of TrustLogic® and determine whether they accurately explain trust.
TrustLogic® accounts for up to 80% of trust. In the social sciences, values exceeding 70% are quite rare, and approaching this mark is practically equivalent to 100%.

The scientifically correct explanation of trust.
Trust has evolved over hundreds of thousands of years as our most important sense for survival, growth, and thriving. It is no wonder that our minds have developed a clear and simple logic for trust; after all, it serves to help us simplify our decision-making processes.
'We cannot simply trust. Our trust is always the sum of the specific reasons why we trust a person, brand, or organisation. Our minds organise these reasons into six distinct categories of trust and evaluate them.'
At its core, TrustLogic® visualises what occurs in our minds when we form trust. This is why it's so intuitive and powerful.
The intuitive nature of TrustLogic® is exemplified by the reaction of a TeleSales Consultant during one of our workshops, who exclaimed: "That makes sense. It's like six buckets of trust that I need to fill. Now I just have to decide which buckets to fill and how."
This description resonated and has led most of our clients to refer to it as The Six Buckets of Trust®.
After identifying and testing effective reasons to fill the Trust Buckets®, this team went on to improve their sales performance by 33%.
If you know how trust forms, you can build it. Watch the short video and imagine how much more trust your teams could build after just an hour of watching the free video in our ACADEMY.
How do I build more trust?
Think of the six dimensions of TrustLogic® as ‘Six Buckets of Trust®’ that you need to fill. To build greater trust, you must understand which of these Trust Buckets® are most important and what trust equity you have to fill them.
Precise and scalable
After successfully applying TrustLogic® with clients for over a decade—utilising qualitative research, intuition, experience, and trial and error—we gained the knowledge necessary to create statistical models that guide our clients precisely.
We modelled our projects retrospectively to align the statistical methods with past results. Subsequently, we developed predictive driver models and applied them in live projects with our clients, ensuring that theory translates into effective practice.
Which Trust Buckets® are most important?
Through this process, you can incorporate the six calibrated TrustLogic® statements into any of your surveys with customers, employees, the public, or investors, allowing you to identify which Trust Buckets® are most important to your audience. This can be done by differentiating between prospects and customers, as well as across any segment. The TrustLogic® Driver Analysis reveals which Trust Buckets® you need to focus on.

How do I fill my priority Trust Buckets®?
Your teams in brand, marketing, experience, sales, service, and corporate communications all need to know what to say and do to build trust effectively. To support our clients' teams, we include specific features, facts, and messages in the TrustLogic® survey. We then use a two-fold driver analysis to identify which specific trust reasons are most effective in filling your most important Trust Buckets®. We call them Trust Builders®, because... that's what builds more trust.
A case in point

Work with TrustLogic®
Whether you want to develop your brand, enhance your experiences, refine your value propositions, or improve your NPS, engagement, or reputation, you will find TrustLogic® to be a valuable and effective tool, and our services a great enabler.
Research, consulting and training
We work with clients globally and empower their teams and partners with TrustLogic®.
Research, reputation,
brand, marketing, experience,
people & culture,
sales & service.
Just drop us a line to catch up and discuss.
The AI with substance. Trained on TrustLogic®.
Instantly find more Trust Builders® for any of your Trust Buckets®.
Instantly generate any kind of trust-optimised copy.
Just go and play. It's free.
You can do the Trust Driver Analysis yourself (or with your research partners) or with us.
By using the TrustLogic® Module in any of your surveys you can simply drag and rop the data in our analyser, see the focus right away and use the top scoring Trust Builders® with our AI.
Check out the demo here or at www.trustifier.ai