2025 Not-for-Profit
TrustLogic Benchmark Report
In partnership with Marlin Communications
The 2025 Not-for-Profit TrustLogic® Benchmark Report analyses brand trust across 50+ organisations in Australia, revealing their unique key trust drivers that influence donor and prospect support. Discover how trusted your organisation is by donors and prospects.
What's inside:
How Trust drives reputation, consideration, loyalty and satisfaction
The TrustLogic® approach
Top 20 Most Trusted Organisations
Most Trusted Organisations by Trust Bucket
Brand Trust and Trust Driver Analysis

Download the report
Trust doesn’t just happen; we can only trust for specific reasons.
Our minds have developed a clear logic to assess these reasons—within six distinct categories of trust.
Think of these as the Six Buckets of Trust® you need to fill.
To build and manage trust effectively, we must understand these Trust Buckets®, identify which ones matter most, and determine which of your trust reasons fill them best.

Proven. Logical.

Psychologically, statistically and practically proven.
Developed with Professor Wilhelm Salber, the father of the most modern psychology.
Proven to drive over 70% of trust and key KPIs.
Track record of helping to achieve significant performance improvements.
TrustLogic®: The Six Buckets of Trust®
Stability Trust
Development Trust
Relationship Trust
Benefit Trust
Vision Trust
Competence Trust
TrustLogic: It's our mind's logic of trust